The Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education (SIHO) is delighted to host a webinar series entitled ‘Towards Genuinely Inclusive Universities: an international perspective on best practices in the implementation of universal design’. The series is composed of eight webinars and will run from December 2020 until July 2021. This webinar series will shed light on several topics closely related to current European, national and institutional policies and practices in higher education around the topics of inclusion and universal design. Each webinar will focus on case studies about implementation.
This webinar series will be led by Valérie Van Hees, Coordinator Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education (SIHO, Belgium) and Frederic Fovet, Associate Professor, School of Education and Technology at Royal Roads University (Canada). Within each webinar, one or two additional speakers will join the facilitators to discuss the topic through a panel approach. Each webinar will last one and a half hours and will include an opportunity for Q&A.
This webinar series will be of interest to institutional leaders, service providers, academic staff, researchers, scholars, and students interested in the implementation of universal design for learning (UDL). The objectives of the series is to offer participants the opportunity to deepen their reflection around UDL implementation and to encourage them to develop sustainable institutional policies and practices in this area. Each webinar includes its own specific participant outcomes.
The first webinar of the series will offer a broad overview of the landscape, exploring the social dimension of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and how this social dimension has played a role in how universities are implementing inclusion and universal design for learning (UDL) strategies. It will also examine the challenges present in the implementation of UDL across institutions. The concluding webinar of the series will look to the future, and attempt to frame the work that might be necessary over the next decade in terms of UDL implementation in higher education. In between, six webinars will present and discuss case studies related to universities and offer practical examples of the ways UDL has successfully been embedded in faculties, departments, disciplines and courses within various classroom formats. Attention will be given to the whole spectrum of post-secondary education, including teaching, assessment, international classes, student support services and mental health and - in the case of one of the webinars - community colleges, colleges of further education, and trade schools; another webinar will specifically explore UDL implementation in post-secondary in the Global South.
Webinar 1 - State of play on implementing inclusion and universal design strategies in higher education across Europe and beyond
Thursday, 10 December 2020 - 15.30 - 17.00 CET
The social dimension of higher education has been featured in the discussions of the Bologna Process since its early years. A new set of Principles and Guidelines produced by the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) Advisory Group on the Social Dimension (AG1) renews the sectors’ commitment to equity and inclusion and aims to foster concrete change in the EHEA in the coming years. This webinar will review these recommendations and discuss them from the viewpoint of European higher education institutions. The guest speakers will discuss findings of their research project on university strategies for inclusion, and examine how UDL fits within these wide objectives for inclusion. This SIHO webinar will provide an concise overview of the European landscape on social inclusion in higher education and address the barriers that have emerged with the implementation of the UDL framework.
Targeted participant outcomes:
Webinar 2 - Universal design as an institutional approach: international good practices
Thursday, 14 January 2021, 15.30 – 17.00 CET
This webinar will introduce case studies from universities where a universal design for learning (UDL) strategy has been embedded at institutional level. The webinar will discuss European examples of classroom implementation of inclusive practices, and notably UDL, across curriculum development, teaching and learning. A number of examples of cross-campus implementation from North America will also be explored. This SIHO webinar will consider what further developments are needed in the various dimensions of this implementation to achieve genuine inclusion in the higher education classroom.
Targeted participant outcomes:
Webinar 3 - Universal design for learning in the classroom: best practices for inclusive assessment
Thursday, 11 February 2021, 15.30 – 17.00 CET
Assessment remains a point of friction when it comes to inclusion in the higher education classroom. While degrees of UDL implementation have come to life on various campuses around the world, diversifying assessment within our existing institutional cultures can still be tricky. This SIHO webinar will highlight successful narratives from practitioners who have succeeded in rethinking assessment within a UDL lens, and hopes to offer participants tangible examples of what a UDL reflection around assessment looks like, and what outcomes it can lead to.
Targeted participant outcomes:
Webinar 4 - The potential of universal design to create inclusive classroom practices with international students
Thursday, 18 March 2021, 15.30 – 17.00 CET
The percentage of international students enrolled in higher education is rising rapidly. Internationalisation of higher education has brought many benefits to our institutions, but deep reflection around the conditions that are necessary for the successful inclusion of international students on these campuses is only beginning. Discussions around multiculturalism in the classroom help in this regard, but they often fall short of genuinely redesigning the learning experience for greater inclusion. This SIHO webinar will focus around the relevance of UDL in the inclusion of international students in the higher education classroom.
Targeted participant outcomes:
Webinar 5 - The potential of universal design for learning with regards to mental health and wellbeing in higher education
Thursday, 29 April 2021, 15.30 – 17.00 CET
To allow current students and future generations of learners to reach their full potential, universities need to be aware of the growing concern that exists about mental health issues among students in higher education. This SIHO webinar will focus on the potential of UDL with regards to mental health issues in the higher education classroom, and will point out UDL solutions which are being proposed, from a design perspective, to minimize the impact of mental health issues within the learning experience.
Targeted participant outcomes:
Webinar 6 - The potential of universal design for learning in community colleges, colleges of further education, trade schools, and vocation education institutions
Thursday, 20 May 2021, 15.30 – 17.00 CET
Much of the research taking place in the field around UDL in higher education focuses on universities. This is not in fact reflective of the appetite for change which is currently observed with regards to teaching and learning in the wide spectrum of further education colleges and community colleges. It is high time the best practices being developed in these various categories of further education institutions be highlighted and showcased in the discourse around UDL and inclusion, and this will be the aim of this webinar. Further education institutions and community colleges face a very specific set of variables when addressing the diversity of learners, and these need to be analyzed in detail. This SIHO webinar will support participants as they begin this reflection.
Targeted participant outcomes:
Webinar 7 - Universal design for learning beyond the Global South
Thursday, 10 June 2021, 15.30 – 17.00 CET
The development and implementation of UDL in Higher Education has so far been tracked, documented and discussed within Global North countries (mostly North America, Europe and Australia so far). The interest for UDL in fact extends to the Global South, a landscape where it represents distinct opportunities but also specific challenges. This SIHO webinar will welcome guest speaker from higher education institutions in the Global South, where UDL implementation has begun. They will share their experiences and showcase what they see ahead in terms of sustainable development of UDL in the post-secondary sector in Global South countries.
Targeted participant outcomes:
Webinar 8 - Looking to the future: framing the next decade of universal design for learning implementation in higher education
Thursday, 1 July 2021, 15.30 – 17.00 CET
It has already become clear from the many cases in this webinar series, that UDL offers a convenient framework to design inclusive classes that embrace the needs of an increasingly diverse student population. This SIHO webinar series will conclude with recommendations to improve the institutional and systems capacity of the post-secondary sector as it strives to become more inclusive. These recommendations will - in part - be illustrated with concrete actions from the Support Centre for Inclusive Higher Education (SIHO), a national body supporting policy makers and universities to increasingly implement UDL principles in policy and practice.
Targeted participant outcomes:
Valérie Van Hees is the coordinator of the Support Centre for Inclusive Higher Education (SIHO, Belgium) and has accumulated over 20 years of experience in the field of policy and inclusion in higher education. At SIHO, she forms a bridge between policy and practice on a daily basis, being a point of contact for both the Flemish Government and higher education staff to support the implementation of inclusion measures in policies and practices.
Frederic Fovet is Associate Professor, School of Education and Technology at Royal Roads University (Canada). Fovet is an inclusion specialist with a specific interest in emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD), critical pedagogy and universal design for learning (UDL).Fovet is an inclusion specialist with a specific interest in emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD), critical pedagogy and universal design for learning (UDL). Fovet also has a strong grounding in Disability Studies, and has served as a teacher and principal in schools with a focus on the successful inclusion of students with EBD.
All webinars are free of charge and registration will be open up to the start of each webinar. All webinars will be recorded and published on the website and video channels of SIHO.
Consult here the presentations and recordings of previous webinars.