Students who go abroad get better degrees and better jobs. But to be able to do so, they need to cross visible and invisible borders. And for disadvantaged students, like students of lower socio-economic background, students with disabilities or students from a migration background, these borders are even higher.
If you are interested in deepening your knowledge of diversity and inclusion in connection to international mobility, and to make your mobilities and practices more inclusive, follow SIHO's very exciting International Staff Training Week for #highereducation staff on the topic of ‘Inclusive Mobility’.
The international staff training week is aimed at training higher education staff to assess the inclusiveness of their internationalisation proccesses and to design and organise inclusive students mobilities. Experts in the field of inclusive mobility will flagging recommendations, toolkits and case studies of good practices. Through a peer counseling approach participants will learn to assess the inclusiveness of their own institutional processes. They will be supported to draw up plans on how to overcome their specific challenges.
Dates: 6 to 8 October 2021 in Ghent, co-organised with the International Policy Office of Artevelde University of Applied Sciences.
More information and registration on our staff training website.