Policy plan and organisation

Policy plan

The Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education (SIHO) defines further objectives with its policy plan ‘realising inclusive higher education in cooperation’ for the next five years. The policy plan outlines the mission, vision, values and ambitions of SIHO, and aligns the policy objectives and actions for the period 2020-2024.

The policy plan formulates six strategic objectives: (1) to create a connecting network between higher education institutions in which expertise in inclusive higher education is continuously and sustainably shared and promoted, (2) to form a powerful and supportive bridge between educational institutions, the government and the higher education policy authorities, (3) building strategic partnerships, both regional and international, (4) stimulating a research culture about inclusive higher education, (5) strengthening the positive image of inclusive higher education and (6) developing qualitative coaching initiatives for students.

The policy plan is based on three values which characterize SIHO’s approach: commitment, connection and innovation.

Read SIHO's policy plan 2020-2024, with accompanying infographic.


SIHO is established by decree and concerns a partnership between the five universities associations and the Flemish Government. A covenant describes the core tasks of SIHO. Artevelde University of Applied Sciences is the administrative coordinating institution of SIHO.

The quality of the operation of SIHO is monitored by a daily board and a steering committee in which, in addition to representing the five associations, stakeholders and the government are also represented.


  • Wouter Segers | Directeur Studentenbeleving, Marketing en Digitale Transformatie | Arteveldehogeschool | voorzitter SIHO
  • Valérie Van Hees | Coördinator SIHO
  • Marc Verdyck | Directeur Studentenzaken | Thomas More | promotor SIHO namens Associatie KU Leuven
  • Lisa Van de Schueren | Beleidsmedewerker studentenzaken | VUB | promotor SIHO namens Universitaire Associatie Brussel
  • Sofie Leekens| Coördinator functiebeperking | PXL | promotor SIHO namens Associatie Universiteit-Hogescholen Limburg
  • Hilde Janssens | Diensthoofd Dienst voor Studieadvies en studentenbegeleiding | UAntwerpen | promotor namens Associatie Universiteit en Hogescholen Antwerpen
  • Ria Vermote | Coördinator sociaal beleid | Howest | promotor SIHO namens de Associatie Universiteit Gent

Steering committee

  • Wouter Segers | Directeur Studentenbeleving, Marketing en Digitale Transformatie | Arteveldehogeschool | voorzitter SIHO
  • Marc Verdyck | Directeur Studentenzaken | Thomas More | promotor SIHO namens Associatie KU Leuven
  • Lisa Van de Schueren | Beleidsmedewerker studentenzaken | VUB | promotor SIHO namens Universitaire Associatie Brussel
  • Sofie Leekens| Coördinator functiebeperking | PXL | stuurgroeplid SIHO namens Associatie Universiteit-Hogescholen Limburg
  • Hilde Janssens | Diensthoofd Dienst voor Studieadvies en studentenbegeleiding | UAntwerpen | promotor namens Associatie Universiteit en Hogescholen Antwerpen
  • Ria Vermote | Coördinator sociaal beleid | Howest | promotor SIHO namens de Associatie Universiteit Gent
  • Leen Buelens | Coördinator Dienst studeren en Functiebeperking | KU Leuven | stuurgroep lid SIHO namens Associatie KU Leuven
  • Annemie De Rouck | Adviseur regelgeving en studentenbegeleiding | EHB | stuurgroep lid SIHO namens Universitaire Associatie Brussel
  • Els Swijns | Zorgcoördinator | UHasselt | stuurgroeplid SIHO namens Associatie Universiteit | Hogescholen Limburg
  • Liesbeth De Raedemaecker | Diensthoofd studentenzaken | Karel de Grote Hogeschool Antwerpen | namens Associatie Universiteit en Hogescholen Antwerpen
  • Charlotte De Lange | Aanspreekpunt Student en functiebeperking Universiteit Gent | stuurgroep lid namens de Associatie Universiteit Gent
  • Patrick Willems | Departement Onderwijs
  • Gert Backx | Unia
  • Vertegenwoordiger Vlaamse Vereniging Studenten | VVS

The strength of SIHO is that all five universities associations of higher education institutions join forces to achieve inclusive higher education.